Friday, November 5, 2010

Blogging To Myself

So as you might guess, I have no followers and nobody has commented on my blog. Yeah sad face. But I have had 5 people view it at once! Which I guess is okay but its still like talking to yourself and then telling your friends about it. That's going to be the first goal of this blog to have someone follow it who I dont personally know! I have no clue how long that's going to take though. It could be tomorrow, today, or never, and I have no idea when any of those days are! It shouldn't take too long with all my awesome drawings. Like this one for example:

LOOK AT THAT PUPPEH! That is the only puppy I have ever seen from MS Paint(I don't own it but It's probably registered or something along those lines so basically don't sue me. Wait that would mean my blog would have viewed and that would be a good thing but not really. I dont own Paint!) But I would argue that its top ten or fifteen. Uh blogging is so hard when nobody is reading it........
Just kidding no trolls please. This is so much harder than other people make it look. Well I hope all you people who aren't paying attention to me are making that puppy very sad. VERY VERY SAD.

Yeah usually when people are ignoring me I choose to be obnoxious and just speak really loud. However no matter how loud I speak the internet wont hear me. So please at least leave a comment even if its about how bad the blog is. Eh nevermind don't do that but saying hi would be super nice. Who knows I may even draw a dinosaur if I get a few followers wouldn't that be awesome!? You know if you act now you can be my FIRST follower and if me capitalizing the word FIRST isn't appealing I don't know what to say. If you're my first follower we could be friends and then we could play ultimate frisbee together and if you don't know how just read my other post!!!!!.........Well looks like I'll just have to keep on doing this alone listening to Taylor Swift.

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